Un messaggio da parte di Derek Heffernan ai firmatari del Pledge to Peace

By Staff 7 anni agoNo Comments

Following the appalling terrorist atrocity at the Manchester Arena last night, the Pledge to Peace Signatory, Cllr Derek Heffernan, would like to convey  a very personal message  to te Pledge to Peace Signatories.


DSC_0033-4-300x280” Following your decision to sign the European Pledge for Peace it is more important today to continue your work for Peace.

The cowards, like the bomber at the Manchester Arena last night, cannot be allowed to win.

Our values, your values, must prevail. The bomber targeted the young enjoying themselves, at their most vulnerable.

 That is certainly cowardly and callous.

We must stand strong.

 Please stand tall pursuing our ultimate aim for peace.”


Cllr Derek Heffernan
Oldham Council Champion for Peace
Oldham Council Mayor for Peace 2016-17
Chair, Oldham Pledge to Peace Forum


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  Pledge to Peace

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