By Staff 4 anni agoNo Comments

Report delle attività  degli ultimi 12 mesi del Saddleworth Peace Group: 

Like so many organisations, Covid 19 has had an impact on several of our regular activities.  However here is a synopsis of the last 12 months.

9th November 2019 – We held what is becoming a regular commemoration of all people affected by wars. A well-attended group heard readings from several speakers and saw the laying of a wreath of white poppies by the Peace Pole in St Chads Gardens in central Uppermill.

26th January 2020 – We held our regular Holocaust Memorial Day vigil. We were, once again, joined by representatives of Oldham Theatre Workshop and Oldham Youth Council who had recently returned from an educational trip to the concentration camp at Auschwitz. They preformed material, written by themselves, based on their experience of the visit. We provided cardboard cut-out flames (the logo of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust) for people to take away and share with family / friends / colleagues with the theme of ‘Standing Together’.

Then came Lockdown 🙁 

14th June 2020 we coordinated socially distanced vigils in several parts of Saddleworth in support of Black Lives Matter, as challenging racism is a necessary precursor to peace.

6th August we held a well attended socially distanced vigil to commemorate Hiroshima Day. We also coordinated virtual contributions to the International Peace Wave.

September 2020 we updated our International Day of Peace resource pack and shared it via email to over 70 primary schools on Oldham.

We had planned to have Frank Boulton present a talk about the impact of Nuclear War. Tgis has been put on hold, but we hope this can go ahead when the pandemic has abated.

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  Pledge to Peace

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