Associazione Prima Persona
Prima Persona è una associazione politica e culturale che promuove la partecipazione popolare come base della democrazia.
Programma Alimentare Mondiale – WFP
Il Programma Alimentare Mondiale (WFP – World Food Programme) è la più grande organizzazione umanitaria al mondo. L’agenzia si occupa di assistenza alimentare per combattere la fame.
The Brand Laureate Brand Personality Awards
The BrandLaureate Brand Personality Awards is initiated to honor successful individuals whose contributions have helped the nation to grow, enhanced the well being of society and make our lives more comfortable.
The Prem Rawat Foundation
Sito della The Prem Rawat Foundation, organizzazione umanitaria creata da Prem Rawat e impegnata in molteplici iniziative umanitarie, anche in collaborazione con importanti organismi internazionali.[:en]
Association “Prima Persona”
Prima Persona is a political and cultural association that promotes popular participation as the basis of democracy.
World Food Programme – WFP
The World Food Programme is the largest humanitarian organization in the world. The agency is responsible for food assistance to fight hunger.
The Brand Laureate
The Brand Laureate Brand Personality Awards honors successful individuals whose contributions have helped the nation to grow, enhanced the well-being of society and make our lives more comfortable.
The Prem Rawat Foundation
Site of The Prem Rawat Foundation, a humanitarian organization created by Prem Rawat and involved in many humanitarian efforts worldwide, in cooperation with major international organizations.